For a parent, being an OFW is a tough situation to be in. They have to sacrifice the joys of being a parent, looking after their children's needs and in the hopes of receiving a higher pay. But does this mean that you're already an irresponsible parent? Of course not! Communication is they key to stay connected with them.

What does it take to be a responsible OFW parent? Here are some tips that will make a huge difference. With technology and an OFW online shopping mall in the Philippines, you can still connect with your family and provide their needs.
1. Share your plans.
Talk to your children. Let them know why you're taking a job overseas. Be open to them, tell them the difference of working here in the Philippines and abroad. Moreover, share them your plans and goals like the duration of your stay abroad and when they will see you again. This way, your children will understand and cooperate better.
2. Keep in touch.

If your family has a tradition of going out every Sunday, then make sure you still give them the same amount of time while working abroad. The most common way to do this is a conversation through Skype or Facebook. You may not be in touch as frequently as you want, but guaranteed that you still give them time for communication.
3. Encourage rather than discipline.
Ask your kids how they're doing in school, who their favorite teachers are and their friends. Some might be open, while others will remain reserved. That's alright! What's important is you encourage them to study well instead of getting mad at their mistakes. Boost their confidence and motivate them through little rewards.
4. Keep track of their activities.

Did he join a karate tournament or did she participate on a ballet recital? Is graduation coming up? Will they receive honors? You need to take note of every activity in and out of school and support them in every way that you can.
If there are certain supplies that they need, there's always the OFW best online shopping in the Philippines ready to help you. With just a click of your mouse, everything they need will be delivered at their doorstep. It's like you're physically there, providing them their needs in times that they need it the most.
Being a parent is important which is why it doesn't have to be difficult even though you're working abroad. Show them that you care through communicating with them in every way that you can.